Counselling Services
Here to Listen, Here for You
Self-Esteem Counselling for Building Confidence in Port Moody
The sense of self being good or not good, worthy or not worthy, is at the heart of self-esteem and self-worth. It is our sense of self in comparison to what we think of ourselves and the messages and feedback we get from the world around us. We cannot change messages from our environment or people’s reactions or options, but we can change how we decide to take it in and react to it.
I work to improve the relationship with my clients in Port Moody by understanding how the emotional and psychological part of self is an important aspect of changing how our dialog is with ourselves. We begin to challenge the stories we tell ourselves.
Think of your relationship with yourself as an ever lasting one where I help you to foster and nurture your relationship with you. We will help you trust, confide and rely in yourself. You become your own confidant and adviser. After all, you are the expert on you.
Get in touch for your free consultation